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group events

Why Should You Hire A Flight Simulator For Your Next Group Event?

Group events are a great way to build morale and teamwork within a company or organization. They can also be a lot of fun! But finding the right activity to share with colleagues that appeals to everyone can be challenging. One activity that is sure to be a hit with everyone is a flight simulator….

How to do an Altitude Flight Simulation: An Easy Guide for Beginners

When it comes to challenging experiences that test your nerves, few things are as thrilling as an altitude flight simulation experience. This activity involves a pilot flying a fixed-wing aircraft at high altitudes, which allows for greater visibility and an exquisite view of the terrain below. How does this involve a simulation? Using an air…

Reasons Why You Should Go Skydiving

First-time skydivers are usually apprehensive about jumping out of an airplane. This is natural, but frayed nerves are no excuse to forego the event entirely. If first-time skydiving nerves aren’t an issue for you and you’re ready to go, check out How to Prepare for Skydiving 101 for everything you need to know before jumping…

4 Tips To Remember When SkyDiving

You finally mustered up the courage and signed on the dotted line. You swallowed your fear and signed up for your first skydiving adventure. How excited are you?! But now that the jump is nearing, you’re getting butterflies in your stomach and want to be sure you’re ready. No need to be concerned; everything is…

Some Beautiful Attractions for You to Have a Look at When in Calgary!

Vacation time is the best time of the years87. We all save for one massive trip all year and try to have as much fun as we can while on a trip. If you have planned to visit Calgary this vacation, then we have a list of things for you to do! The best part…

Calgary Indoor Activities: The Best Ways to Have Fun Indoors

When the weather outside is frightful, there’s no need to hole up in the indoors and become a couch potato. Calgary has plenty of great indoor activities that will keep you entertained all winter long. you’re looking for ways to have fun with your family or something to do on a date night, these activities…

Best Activities for You to undertake in Calgary

Are you visiting Calgary for the first time and wondering what all can you enjoy when you move out of the streets in an expensive way? Here is a list of things that you can do in Calgary, so worry not! We have got you covered! Strolling Around in the Streets Stephen Avenue Walk is…

How Calgary Indoor Activities Keep Employees Together

Employees in Canada benefit from Calgary indoor activities on various levels. Employees in the same office can form meaningful and intimate ties through different team-building exercises. Such events might occur inside or outside the company, in an informal setting. More often than not, outside events enable employees to loosen up more. Regular events will lead…

Top 4 Indoor Activities to Do in Calgary

Calgary is a beautiful city to visit, but if you’re looking for some indoor activities to do, we’ve got you covered! From museums to flight simulators, here are our top picks. It’s a moniker proven extremely valuable to tourist marketers, conjuring up romantic images of cowboys, cattle drives, and an untamed Wild West. As a…

Things For You to do in Calgary

Despite being Alberta’s largest city, Canada’s oil capital, and one of North America’s most important commercial and financial centres, Calgary has never shed its “Cowtown” moniker. It’s a moniker proven extremely valuable to tourist marketers, conjuring up romantic images of cowboys, cattle drives, and an untamed Wild West. As a result, there are numerous associated…