How to do an Altitude Flight Simulation: An Easy Guide for Beginners

When it comes to challenging experiences that test your nerves, few things are as thrilling as an altitude flight simulation experience.
This activity involves a pilot flying a fixed-wing aircraft at high altitudes, which allows for greater visibility and an exquisite view of the terrain below. How does this involve a simulation? Using an air current known as the gradient wind to simulate high altitudes artificially. With this in mind, if you’re interested in exploring this experience and learning more about how to do an altitude flight simulation, read on for more details! As the name suggests, this activity involves a pilot flying their aircraft above sea level. The difference between this and standard flying is that the pilot uses a special wind current to simulate high-altitude flying conditions. Essentially, they use air currents to artificially create conditions as if they were flying much higher than they are.
What is a Gradient Wind?
A gradient wind is an air current that flows perpendicular to the direction of travel. This happens because the speed and direction of an air current are dictated by the warmest part of the atmosphere. This means that when a current travels in one order, the warmest part of the atmosphere will gradually slow down and move in the opposite direction. Gradient winds are often found in areas with large temperature differences between the ground and the air. This is because the air needs to balance itself out by flowing in different directions to create a temperature equilibrium.
How to do an Altitude Flight Simulation
Before you get on board at ifly indoor Calgary, you need to find an area where the gradient wind is strong enough to allow you to simulate high-altitude flying conditions. The best way to do this is to use an online altimeter to track down areas of the country where the wind is flowing at high altitudes. Once you’ve found the perfect location for your simulation, you can book a fixed-wing flight with your local flight school. Most offer altitude flights as part of their flight simulator experiences. Regarding the flight itself, you should remember that you must wear a full flight suit to protect you from the extreme cold. As for the rest of the simulation, you’ll need to sit in the co-pilot’s seat and take on the navigator role.
The Benefits of an Altitude Simulation Flight
There are lots of different benefits to undertaking an altitude flight simulation. For one thing, it’s a great way to get a taste of the real thing without fully investing in the experience. It’s also a great way to test your nerves and see if being a pilot is the right career path. If you’re planning to take on the pilot profession in the future, altitude flight simulations are great for helping you to get used to the high altitudes and extreme cold that pilots have to deal with daily. As a pilot, you’ll often have to fly in extreme weather conditions that would be unsafe for a regular passenger aircraft. This includes extremely hot weather, thunderstorms, and freezing temperatures at average altitudes of 35,000 feet. On top of this, altitude flights are great for a better understanding of how pilots navigate. This is because they allow you to get a bird’s eye view of the terrain below, the same view you’d get if you were flying at a high altitude.
Wrapping up
Altitude flight simulations are a great way to test your nerves and get a taste of what it’s like to be a pilot. They’re also a great way to understand how pilots navigate and see the world differently. Altitude flight simulations are a cheap and easy alternative if you’re considering investing in the real thing but are worried about the cost.