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Flight Simulation

The Top Corporate Events and Team Building Ideas to Take off With

On March 11th, the Canadian government declared that coronavirus was a pandemic. At this point, schools closed and many employees started working from home. A large number of Canadians have not seen their coworkers in three months due to COVID-19. Now, the world is starting to beat this deadly virus. Many countries are starting to…

Dreaming of Becoming a Pilot?5 Steps to Reach Your Dreams

How to Become a Pilot Being a pilot is a unique and exhilarating experience. Follow these 5 steps, and you’ll be able to fly through the skies. Education  There are many routes to becoming a pilot. Perhaps you learned to fly aircraft in the military. This can be one way to progress to pilot training. Another…

Aviation Simulation Equals Elation! 5 Things to Know About Flight Simulators

The global flight simulator revenue was valued at $4.6 billion in 2019. 12% of the industry comes from new defense training measures. Another chunk comes from hobbyists who love to experience aircraft flight. What is flight simulation used for? Read on to learn five interesting facts about flight simulators What is Flight Simulation? Flight simulation is any…